Environmental assessments

/Environmental assessments


2022-06-16T18:32:40+02:00Contaminated sites, Environmental assessments, Environmental legal advice, Health and safety, Waste|

WasteandChemicals will exhibit at first edition of Waste Management Europe 2022, the European exhibition and conference for Waste Management and the Circular Economy which takes place in Bergamo on the 21-23rd June. Come and visit us! We will be at Stand 908 https://wme-expo.com/ At the following link the registration for admission to the fair and [...]

Feasibility study for waste management in Marondera, Zimbabwe

2021-04-14T15:40:47+02:00Environmental assessments|

In 2019 WasteandChemicals worked on the definition of the Feasibility Study for waste management in the city of Marondera (Zimbabwe) within the project “Marondera Integrated Urban Water Management Master Plan project”. (https://www.marondera-iuwm.org/). One of our suggestions to the local autorithies was to support the local initiativies related to waste collection and recovery like the #cleanmarondera. Few [...]

From Offshore Oil & Gas to Deep Seabed Mining

2021-01-04T12:11:56+02:00Contaminated sites, Environmental assessments, Environmental legal advice, Health and safety|

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Research Council of Italy organized the online Workshop “From Offshore Oil & Gas to Deep Seabed Mining: new technologies and emerging issues”,  which took place on 18-19 November 2020, with the aim of fostering collaborations and knowledge sharing between the two industry sectors and the academia. Marcello [...]

WasteandChemicals will attend the conference session of RemTech Europe

2019-08-21T15:07:42+02:00Contaminated sites, Environmental assessments, Environmental legal advice, Health and safety, Waste|

RemTech Expo 2019 will take place in Ferrara from September 18th to 20th, 2019. Besides the Expo, on Thursday, September 19th at 9am, the Managing Director of WasteandChemicals Mrs. Lucia Mastacchini will participate in the conference session of RemTech Europe: “Soil and Groundwater remediation, Sediment, Diffuse pollution and SDG” with a presentation entitled “Environmental assessment [...]

WasteandChemicals at the RemTech Expo of Ferrara

2019-07-23T09:32:34+02:00Contaminated sites, Environmental assessments, Environmental legal advice, Health and safety, Waste|

For the first time ever as exhibitors, WasteandChemicals will attend RemTech Expo 2019, i.e. the international event dedicated to the reclamation of contaminated sites, environmental and natural hazards, safety, maintenance and upgrading of the territory, climate change and circular chemistry. Now at its 13th edition, RemTech Expo will take place in Ferrara from September [...]

Judgment of the European Court of Justice regarding incineration plants

2019-07-10T10:29:40+02:00Environmental assessments|

Waste incineration plants are considered strategic plants and compliant with the waste hierarchy. The ECJ issued the sentence (http://curia.europa.eu/juris/document/document.jsf;jsessionid=BC80B4DC31FA47053B05F75DD5FF9A27?text=&docid=213860&pageIndex=0&doclang=IT&mode=req&dir=&occ=first&part=1&cid=6541383) relative to the appeal presented by some associations against the Prime Minister's Decree of 10 August 2016 which identified the incineration plants as strategic infrastructures and defined their national needs. The associations contested this approach [...]

Best Practices for Offshore Wind Facilities

2018-04-05T11:45:04+02:00Environmental assessments|

Hydrocarbon offshore exploitation and wind farms installation could present several impacts on marine species, so the BOEM (Bureau of Ocean Energy Management), has recently published the report named “Best Management Practices Workshop for Atlantic Offshore Wind Facilities and Marine Protected Species” (https://www.boem.gov/Final-Summary-Report-for-BMP-Workshop-BOEM/) which collects the main relevant international experiences on the field of marine [...]